We ran two investigations on the evening. One at 7pm with 3 guest investigators and one at 9.30pm with ten investigators. We recorded the entire evening and after reviewing all the data, have summarised it below. The evening was run by Jacqui from Lantern Ghost Tours and Andrew and Troy from Ghost Tech who joined both groups.
Overall we had a lot of activity. The intruder alarm armed itself three times and went off once with no explanation. Three EVP recorder batteries drained entirely then were full again after 2 hours without us charging them. The group sensed children all night. We saw a child in loungeroom, many of us felt a cold touch against our hands, fingers and legs. Sarah Langhorne came through the Ouija board, saying she is scared of her grandson starting with “T”. William Henry Croker kept telling the group to leave- and as he did so the intruder alarm went off. We heard noises from the cupboard in the bedroom and sent the little boy hiding inside it to the light. The dowsing rods were very active. An unidentified spirit was communicating through glasswork. Several people felt what they describe as a horse kick to their hips in the kitchen. Shereen and Nathan had personal messages from people they know come through.
We also caught some fantastic EVPs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MJhtRAtHNM
Thanks everyone for a fantastic and active evening, a full report of the evening is below.
Happy Haunting
7pm Investigation
3 Investigators + Andrew and Troy from Ghost Tech and Jacqui from Lantern Ghost Tours
-Andrew’s camera battery drained (fully charged at start)
-Three EVP recorders drained (they then showed fully charged after 2 hours without us charging them)-EMFs and K2 Meters unresponsive
-Dowsing rods active
-Ouija board active
-Black mirror unresponsive
-Mixed luck with pendulum
-Mixed luck with automatic writing
-EVP battery drained (back to full battery after 2 hours)
-Ouija Board had a personal message for Shereen. A relative with initials HM from a town with initials AM in Ireland. Female from Shereen’s mother’s side
-Spirit trying to stop the Ouija board, initials HC and WC kept cropping up. Believe it is William Henry Croker- owner of the Homestead in1900s. He kept telling us to go away.
-Felt movement in the room like children running past and playing hide and seek
-Felt cold, numb arm and hand like someone touching our hands
Kids Room
-All felt heaviness in legs
-Feeling of being pushed to the floor in a squatting position
-Felt the children spirits were trying to make us look under bed
-Tapping sounds from the fireplace
-A guest felt a kick to her hip like a horse kick
-Communicated via dowsing rods. This person was a maid who didn't die from the horse kick but from secondary infection
-She was a maid attached to the house
-Only small fluctuations in the EMFs
-Felt cold air moving past
9.30pm Investigation
10 investigators + Andrew and Troy- Ghost Tech, Jacqui- Lantern Ghost Tours
Dining Room
-Ouija board very active.
-Personal messages for Nathan came through. It was a young girl who seemed to just want to talk. She spelt ambulance several times.-Sarah Langhorne came through. She was scared of her grandson whose name starts with "T'.
-The candle flickered when asked several times
-William Henry Croker took over the board several times and violently moved the planchette to GOODBYE over and over
-As the planchette was moving to GOODBYE, the intruder alarm armed itself three times and went off once though it was not active- this has never happened before
-Saw glimpses of a child moving around the Room
-Coldness in legs- little boy running around us
Kids Room
-Feeling of heaviness in legs
-Felt a strong kick to the left hip
-2 people felt cold going through them between the kitchen and loungeroom
-One person drew a sheep during the automatic writing
-The letter “S” appeared over and over in the automatic writing- we think its Sarah Langhorne
-Candles flickered when asked
-Dowsing rods very active- the boy said he misses his mum and that the furniture is not original to the building
-Little boy in the cupboard came through
-The little boy held several investigators’ hands and fingers
-Jacqui sent the boy to the light so he shouldn’t be there anymore
-Felt a lot of cold air and temperature fluctuations of 6c
-Felt cold going through our bodies
-Glass went crazy
-The glass moved very heavily and frantically side to side and tried to lift of the table.
-Felt this was not a good entity