Thursday, January 21, 2010
Haunted House In Williamstown
Summary from Kim
To summarise, I sensed an outdoor area in the bedroom behind the kitchen/lounge area. This outdoor area was the original area outside the house with a tree with purple covered leaves and an old shed with timber sides and rusted corrugated iron roof (now gone). Underneath or just at the back of this shed several feet down was/is the remains of a circular bricked well (some of the bricks from this well are in your front yard). I feel this well was source of fresh water as a supply of fresh water through pipes was not readily available in this period. Part of the well also drained rainwater off the roof (probably a separate but adjoining pipe some of which still exists under the concrete around your sideway adjoining the other house).On looking at this well I had a sense of revulsion as if something with a bad odour was there (your thought that a foetus could have been disposed of there so as to not attract attention from the neighbours or police might not be far wrong). There is a possible connection with guilt over the crime of disposing of a baby without going through proper procedures. After collecting myself over what I 'saw' I asked Spirit for help as to how this occurred. This led me to going back to the front room where you've had bad feelings. Earlier in our visit we all had a sense of something unpleasant happening there and a Spirit present in the corner facing the door. When I was on my own I bent forward to see if I could connect with anything and 'saw' the very frightened face of a young girl looking back at me. On going outside to join you we explored this event and with a feeling of 'fullness' in my stomach area, and the frighterned look on the girl's face we came to a possible conclusion of a pregnant young girl. This would tie in with what I sensed. The girl had a grandmother energy around her as if she was looking after her (the grandmother is not a spirit in the house. merely a projection). Unfortunately, things being what they were then, the baby was stillborn or if not stillborn, she didn't survive for very long. There are two theories about the girl - one that she survived despite blood loss or it's possible she didn't which would account for her presence. It may be that if she did survive this birth, she died early in life and returns to her old home. I dont see her as a threat - in fact she enjoys being around you and the kids who represent the kids she never had (and it was her who got you the house I feel as she wanted you there). The unpleasant smell which I sensed in the backyard (the bright colours of the room and the family energy dissipate the bad energies there) is possibly because the dead baby was thrown into the sewerage system which was rudimentary by anyone's standards The reason the birth was not reported is possibly because of the stigma associated with the baby's death and the fact the girl got pregnant but it is who the father is that attracts the most stigma and horror even for those days as I believe it was a family member, possibly a father or uncle as a male energy is strong. This male dominated the household which makes me believe it was father and not an uncle. This domination might explain the absence of a mother energy as I feel the mother didnt do enough to protect her daughter.
-Kim Fawkes
Lantern Ghost Tours Summary
As you may be aware, most of your street dates back to the late 19th century, stimulated by the development of 'Beach station' in 1889, later called Williamstown Beach. A small shopping center was also developed during this period, still standing today. The hospital was also built in 1894. From what I can tell the site of your home was vacant land until the late 1890s. During the early 20th century, your neighbours had a son who was an ANZAC born and raised in Williamstown. The neighbours. The neighbours on the opposite side had a son who was arrested for 'false pretenses' for borrowing money which he repaid with a cheque that bounced.
So both sets of your neighbours have interesting histories which could be linked to the activity. Your house does too. Hannah lived in and passed away in your house on Thursday 17th May 1910 at the age of 35. She was the wife of Walter. We feel Hannah is still around keeping an eye on the place as she passed away before her time. She isn’t very active and isn’t of particularly strong character so you are unlikely to encounter her but if you do notice any ghostly activities occurring in your home, it’s most likely Hannah. She died of a chest problem, I get the sense of stabbing pains in her lungs like miners cough, sever pnemonia or TB. I felt she couldn't breathe and would weeze a lot. The house was cold, dank, damp and dark and I feel she died in the front room trying (unsuccessfully) to keep warm. I feel she loves kids but boys can annoy her sometimes with all their energy and cheekiness. I don't know if Hannah is linked to Kim's presense, I couldn't get a sense of pregnancy with Hannah but perhaps I was sensing her in a later time of her life. I could also sense a very serious, proud and stern man wearing a top hat with a moustache and braces walking up and down the corridor. He is dressed like a shabby banker. So I think he is some type of businessman. He checks everything is in order and leaves.
**Copyright Lantern Ghost Tours 2010**
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Mrs Chesterfield HauntsTalbot
The group dynamics were fantastic, we made new friends but apart from that we also unravelled part of the Mrs Chesterfield puzzle.
The Bull and Mouth Hotel was built of local mined bluestone in 1866, having replaced an earlier building of timber construction which had been erected in 1860. At the turn of the 20th century, the present verandah was added and the name changed to 'Town Hall Hotel'. Mr George Spence and Mrs Grace Ann Spence held the license until George passed away and Grace inherited the hotel. Grace soon started 'an affair' with Mr William Chesterfield and eventually married him after being pressured by the liquor licensing board who were keen to raise the moral standards of drinking establishments. After the marriage the hotel changed names to 'Chesterfield's Town Hall Hotel' until the 1960's when it closed its doors.
Grace was a colourful woman, she sold sly grog which she brewed at the back of the premises until her license was reinstated. She also did 'favours' to keep her business afloat. She loved her hotel to the point that she insisted her second husband, William, keep the hotel for her children if anything was to happen to her. She even insisted on him signing a contract to this effect.
Grace was legendary for her high standards, always keeping a tidy hotel with crisp, linen sheets and cooking roasts or stew for weary travelers.
Grace passed away before William and he revoked on his word, selling the hotel. As a result, we believe Grace's ghost remains with the pub. Many people have seen and experienced Grace's presence.
Later, after many years of neglect, the building, together with new cottages was opened as the 'Bull and Mouth Restaurant and Accommodation' in the late 1980's.
Activity during our weekend
1. We made contact with Grace on the Friday and Saturday. She insisted that two spirits were present, initials A and W. We had no idea who those initials belonged to until our trip to the cemetery on Sunday. At that point we found out Grace's middle (and more common name) was Ann. He second husband's name was William.
2. We visited Grace's grave. She shares a grave and tombstone with William. Her inscirption on the tombstone is perfectly legible however, William's has totally eroded to the point that it is difficult to see there ever was an inscription. The perfect erosion is unexplainable especially since William's inscription isn't as old as Grace's. Buried next to them is the grave of George, Grace's first husband, with a perfectly legible tombstone. Grace was buried on 25/01/1949, William was buried 8/03/1963.
3. Daniel witnessed the lights in the old bluestone corridor switch themselves on and off several times.
4. Margaret saw a cream ruffled skirt with black dots swish past her door. On later inspection we found a picture with Grace wearing the same garment.
5. We caught a lot of orbs around the house, especially in the loungeroom where one appears to have a face.
6. We took a video recording of the most haunteds room where Grace passed away. There are unexplained shadows and movement.
7. The left cuboard door in Grace's original bedroom unexplainably swung open infront of the entire group. We couldn't replicate the action, naturally the right door needs to open first.
8. Grace tried to communicate the number '2' to us numerous times, 2 men, 2 spirits. We believe she is referring to her 2 husbands who were present in the hotel too.
9. Grace's first husband died of disease, she had to nurse him until his death. We're not sure how he died but sensed it had something to do with 'E,W'
10. Grace was trying to comunicate with Jacqui and Andrew and warn them about boats on Wednesday nights and communicated bones. They sail on Wednesdays unbeknown to the group.
11. A 52 year old spirit was also present, he died in the house. Believed to be William.
12. Grace said she was 93 when she passed away (this was incorrect she was in her 80s).
13. Grace communicated that she had 3 children. We later saw a photo of Grace with her 3 children.
14. Grace indicated that she is very happy now. We found out later that by coincidence the current owner is related to the Spence family!
15. Grace wanted to communicate with Devi but we couldn't work out the message.
16. The spirit of a 3 year old boy tried to contact us. He lived in the room upstairs on the right hand side. He was very confused.17. Another spirit with the initials MK was present, he indicated that he is related to the 3 year old boy and his wife's initials were BK. They were all related to Grace. We're not sure who they are.
Any ideas/research most appreciated....
**Copyright Lantern Ghost Tours**