The group dynamics were fantastic, we made new friends but apart from that we also unravelled part of the Mrs Chesterfield puzzle.
The Bull and Mouth Hotel was built of local mined bluestone in 1866, having replaced an earlier building of timber construction which had been erected in 1860. At the turn of the 20th century, the present verandah was added and the name changed to 'Town Hall Hotel'. Mr George Spence and Mrs Grace Ann Spence held the license until George passed away and Grace inherited the hotel. Grace soon started 'an affair' with Mr William Chesterfield and eventually married him after being pressured by the liquor licensing board who were keen to raise the moral standards of drinking establishments. After the marriage the hotel changed names to 'Chesterfield's Town Hall Hotel' until the 1960's when it closed its doors.
Grace was a colourful woman, she sold sly grog which she brewed at the back of the premises until her license was reinstated. She also did 'favours' to keep her business afloat. She loved her hotel to the point that she insisted her second husband, William, keep the hotel for her children if anything was to happen to her. She even insisted on him signing a contract to this effect.
Grace was legendary for her high standards, always keeping a tidy hotel with crisp, linen sheets and cooking roasts or stew for weary travelers.
Grace passed away before William and he revoked on his word, selling the hotel. As a result, we believe Grace's ghost remains with the pub. Many people have seen and experienced Grace's presence.
Later, after many years of neglect, the building, together with new cottages was opened as the 'Bull and Mouth Restaurant and Accommodation' in the late 1980's.
Activity during our weekend
1. We made contact with Grace on the Friday and Saturday. She insisted that two spirits were present, initials A and W. We had no idea who those initials belonged to until our trip to the cemetery on Sunday. At that point we found out Grace's middle (and more common name) was Ann. He second husband's name was William.
2. We visited Grace's grave. She shares a grave and tombstone with William. Her inscirption on the tombstone is perfectly legible however, William's has totally eroded to the point that it is difficult to see there ever was an inscription. The perfect erosion is unexplainable especially since William's inscription isn't as old as Grace's. Buried next to them is the grave of George, Grace's first husband, with a perfectly legible tombstone. Grace was buried on 25/01/1949, William was buried 8/03/1963.
3. Daniel witnessed the lights in the old bluestone corridor switch themselves on and off several times.
4. Margaret saw a cream ruffled skirt with black dots swish past her door. On later inspection we found a picture with Grace wearing the same garment.
5. We caught a lot of orbs around the house, especially in the loungeroom where one appears to have a face.
6. We took a video recording of the most haunteds room where Grace passed away. There are unexplained shadows and movement.
7. The left cuboard door in Grace's original bedroom unexplainably swung open infront of the entire group. We couldn't replicate the action, naturally the right door needs to open first.
8. Grace tried to communicate the number '2' to us numerous times, 2 men, 2 spirits. We believe she is referring to her 2 husbands who were present in the hotel too.
9. Grace's first husband died of disease, she had to nurse him until his death. We're not sure how he died but sensed it had something to do with 'E,W'
10. Grace was trying to comunicate with Jacqui and Andrew and warn them about boats on Wednesday nights and communicated bones. They sail on Wednesdays unbeknown to the group.
11. A 52 year old spirit was also present, he died in the house. Believed to be William.
12. Grace said she was 93 when she passed away (this was incorrect she was in her 80s).
13. Grace communicated that she had 3 children. We later saw a photo of Grace with her 3 children.
14. Grace indicated that she is very happy now. We found out later that by coincidence the current owner is related to the Spence family!
15. Grace wanted to communicate with Devi but we couldn't work out the message.
16. The spirit of a 3 year old boy tried to contact us. He lived in the room upstairs on the right hand side. He was very confused.17. Another spirit with the initials MK was present, he indicated that he is related to the 3 year old boy and his wife's initials were BK. They were all related to Grace. We're not sure who they are.
Any ideas/research most appreciated....
**Copyright Lantern Ghost Tours**
I was recently reminded of my visit to Chesterfield House in 2008. On our first night, I thought one of the other members of our party was being a goose and switching the light under the stairs, in the hall, off or on after I'd done the opposite. They never admitted to it. I slept in the master bedroom and swore a woman in a white high neck blouse with a dark, long skirt was standing over me beside the bed that first night. I thought I must have been dreaming. A bit later on, I was sleeping on my side with my face towards the door and I opened my eyes to see that same woman sitting on top of the wardrobe near the door. Again, I thought I was dreaming.
ReplyDeleteWhen I spoke to the caretaker the next morning, she told me that Mrs Chesterfield was sighted regularly and I was sleeping in her bedroom.
The next night, I was completely freaked out and slept fitfully but didn't sight her again. In the morning though, the left hand wardrobe door was wide open and the right hand door closed and locked! Again, I thought my friends were trying to scare me but, again, they denied it. Reading this post, I am even more freaked out LOL